It was great to spend a morning with young people taking part in the CAESAR Challenge Project. They were being put through their paces at the old docks before going kayaking and canoeing. I joined in with their paddle training before they launch their boats onto the water. I was delighted to see for myself the skills and confidence they have gained in kayaking and canoeing, and the friendship and support for each other that has built-up from being on the project.
I was also pleased to add my signature, alongside the Chair of YMCA Port Talbot Keith Priddle, to the young people’s agreed principles of engagement.
The CAESAR Challenge is a wonderful project creating opportunities for young people to build confidence and self-esteem, and to develop a range of personal development skills including the outdoor challenge programme which culminates in a two-day expedition. The project involves activity sessions in paddle sport, navigation, first aid, camp-craft, bush-craft, physical fitness/nutrition and cooking.