Stephen Kinnock has hailed a covenant on the land earmarked for a prison, as the ‘final nail in the coffin’ for the Ministry of Justice’s plans. Speaking in the House of Commons, the Aberavon MP called on Sam Gyimah MP, Minister for Prisons, to admit that the covenant’s protection of the land for industrial purposes spelt the end of the Government’s controversial plans.
In the exchange Mr Kinnock said, “The Minister will now be aware that there is a covenant on the land on the Baglan Industrial Park in my Aberavon constituency where he wishes to build a prison. The covenant states that the land should not be used ‘other than as an industrial park’, and should not be used for ‘any offensive, noise or dangerous trade business manufacture or occupation or for any purpose or in any manner which may be a nuisance to the Agency or the occupiers of neighbouring or adjacent premises.’
‘Would the Minister now agree with me that the covenant is the final nail in the coffin of the Ministry’s plans to build a prison on the Baglan Industrial Park?”
In response Sam Gyimah said, “The Hon. Member is incredibly persistent and tenacious in fighting for his constituents. Of course, before moving ahead with any building project we will do all the necessary legal searches and local authority searches, and if those were to turn up any objections to it then we would take those into account accordingly.”
Speaking afterwards Mr Kinnock said, “The Minister is right about one thing. I am incredibly persistent and tenacious, and will continue to be for my constituents until the Ministry of Justice realises that the land they have identified in the Baglan Industrial Park is unsuitable for a prison.”
Mr Kinnock has previously written to Sam Gyimah calling for him to cancel his plans to build a prison on the Baglan Industrial Park and instead look again at other sites.