The Wallich
The Wallich

It was great to visit The Wallich here in Port Talbot today, I enjoyed meeting the team who gave me a very warm welcome. It was insightful to hear from some of those experiencing homelessness in Port Talbot about the issues they face, and to hear from staff about the incredible work they are doing to reduce homelessness locally.

As Wales’s largest homelessness and rough sleeping charity, The Wallich operates under three core objectives: getting people off the streets; keeping people off the streets; and creating opportunities for people.

Running more than 100 diverse projects, across 20 local authorities, The Wallich works with more than 7,000 people every year across Wales.

Locally, the Wallich has a case load of more than 300 people & families needing housing-related services. They work with individuals, families and have a dedicated support worker for the Gypsy, Roma, Traveller Community.

The services they offer include:
– Managing a tenancy
– Finding private rented accommodation
– Finances and budgeting
– Grants, substance or alcohol misuse
– Physical or mental health issues
– Training, education or voluntary work
– Conflict resolution service for those who have anti-social behaviour, family or landlord disputes which require mediation intervention.

In addition to all these services, the local team works out in the community and puts on regular drop-ins, and have expanded a community space to promote social inclusion and puts on cooking classes, art workshops, befriending and more.

I commend each and every member of the team for their inspiring work!

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